Never ceasing utterances

The song of yours which swells my heart.
The love in it which stirs my heart.
You‘ve defined love
In us you made it rest
Not by words as you loved us first
Beyond our comprehension
Was your demonstration
How true and how sincere
Was your registration
You were rich yet accepted to become poor.
Were king of heaven, not merely the earth.
With splendor and majesty
Yet chose to be a slave
Made yourself a sinner without a speck of spot
And this is how you freed us
From this yoke of sin and this evil law
You bored the curse and could make it a blessing
For you are able and your love was so true
I hear no complaints when you suffered in flesh
For your heart was pure and your love was so true.
You remember no sin, for you account no mistakes
But out of love you forgive and forget
Again you go out in search for the lost
Love of yours who redeemed us
With open arm you reconciled us back to our father
In your grace today I stand firm
By your holiness we are holy
You said the secret as you loved us much
Given us the insight as you declared
I am the Truth, the Way and the Life.
The revelation which set us free
So generously you lavished wisdom
On us who lacks as we confess
Yet we dared to doubt as we are fool
So now as I kneel before you and bow down
As I humble myself and write down
I’m yours and only yours
It’s no longer I but its Christ who lives in me
It’s I in Him and it’s Christ in me.
Having nothing but possessing everything
I love the way I am for He made me the way I am
I argue no more for when I’m weak I ‘m strong
In me His glory shines
Brighter day after day taking me from strength to strength
My love grows for him as I know Him more and more
My pace as I walk closer with Him
He makes me rejoice
My joy is complete in Him
How amazing, it is to have someone like Him
Who in us can feel the same
Who lifts us up when we are hardest hit.
Who brings a smile when we sigh in our agony
Who remembers us even when our mother fails
Who is able when we can’t acknowledge a way
We can always assure for he will never let us slip for he never slumbers
In Him I rejoice and In Him I boast
No wonder, I love Him for He loved me first
He is loving and He still loves
I‘ll fear no evil as I count on Him
Who is my refuge and fortress
My shield and the solid rock
As I write this and speak up my need
He again fills my heart and makes me complete
I can say just three things
Thank you; thank you and thank you
For being there for me always when I call to you in my distress.


littleheartofgrace June 11, 2009 at 1:43 PM  

Truly your love for the LOrd has been never ceasing..u have never stopped giving glory for d Lord's doings in your life..Ur utter dependence on the Lord for the smallest matters is inspirational..seeing ur life is a great learning..keep writng..there's beauty i you're poetic writing...May God expand your boundaries as you give your all to Him..Lovies

wangmo June 14, 2009 at 8:49 PM  

wow.. its beautifully expressed.. !! i never knew u had the poetic bone in u..keep writin more

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